Innovation River Inc.

Innovation Made by People

Innovation River Inc is a new breed, visionary not for profit start-up organisation. Our Mission, Vision & Purpose is to equip and empower Innovators, Inventors and Idealists (3i) to turn their beautiful inventions, innovations and ideas into a commercial reality.

Fowler’s Superba Ploughing Engine
Fowler’s Superba Ploughing Engine - circa 1860s

Our Mission:

  • To inspire engineers, scientists, technicians and idealists.
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Our Vision:

  • Build a global network of engineering and scientific facilities where engineers, technicians and scientists can collaborate and build all sorts of wonderful machines and energy generators.
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Our Purpose:

  • To provide local, national and global employment opportunities for many people through a network of factories, laboratories and other employment intensive assets as a result of developing and building novel and high value-added products and services.

Our Guiding Principles:

  • We believe that people, not entities, are the innovators, inventors and idea generators.
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